Yves Girault, chercheur régulier au Centr’ERE, et Yi Du, tous deux du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris, ont récemment publié un article portant sur l’émergence et l’évolution des Géoparcs mondiaux UNESCO.
Today UNESCO Global Geoparks are defined as “single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development”. Considering the concept of geopark as a continuous dynamic construction, we propose in this article to look back at the inception and development of movement towards geoconservation, considered as a prelude leading to the proposed creation of the geopark model, and then to examine the process of the institutionalization of geoparks. Our survey of the records of the above institutions shows that this process may be broken down into three stages.
Yi, D. U., et Girault, Y. (2018). A Genealogy of UNESCO Global Geopark: Emergence and Evolution. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks. 6(2): 1-17