Call for Papers
Participatory Research to Address Climate Change and Sustainability
Recent activism by young people throughout the world protesting government inaction on climate change and threats to biodiversity reflects a growing awareness of the looming crisis facing the global community with immense and imminent environmental, economic, social, health, and cultural impacts. We invite submissions for a Special Issue of Educational Action Research focused on school and community-based action research projects designed to promote greater awareness and activism in addressing climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.
This special issue will address a range of questions, including, but not limited to: what grassroots initiatives, youth-led projects, and other strategies have been developed to engage citizens in communities and schools in demanding action from governments and corporations? What participatory projects have been carried out to promote individual, community and organizational change and with what results? How have arts-based projects and other creative approaches to participatory research and action contributed to encouraging new ways of tackling the problems of global climate change?
Beyond local, regional and national initiatives, we especially encourage submissions that reflect the international impacts of climate change and innovative strategies for addressing the global dimensions of this issue.
We welcome research papers that report on action research related to climate change and sustainability (maximum of 8,000 words including references). In addition, we invite short communications raising relevant questions, describing local school and community practitioner-led initiatives, or reporting preliminary works from the field (maximum 2,000 words including references). Both types of submissions will be reviewed through our normal process.
There is a two stage process for submission. The first stage is submission of abstracts for proposed articles. These should be submitted to the journal e-mail address: by no later than the 31st July 2019. These abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. We will contact successful authors within 2 weeks of submitting their abstracts.
Contributions for this Special Issue should be submitted through the EAR online system ( by no later than October 15, 2019. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mary Brydon-Miller (